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Are you looking for a whiter, brighter smile? Teeth whitening is one of the most popular ways to achieve a beautiful smile, but if you want your results to last, there are certain foods and drinks to avoid. In this blog post, we’ll look at what you shouldn’t eat after teeth whitening to maintain those pearly whites! From sugary treats to acidic beverages, we’ll guide you through all the food items that can start undoing your bright white transformation. Find out now which of your favorite snacks could be harming your smile!

Highly Pigmented Foods

Food and drinks can be a major factor in the success of teeth bleaching. Foods that are highly pigmented, such as tea, coffee, red wine, balsamic vinegar, dark sauces, and marinades, should all be avoided after undergoing a teeth-whitening treatment. Even some fruits can put a dent in your sparkling results; pomegranates, blueberries, and cherries contain enough pigment that it could start to discolor your teeth again. Eating confectionery with artificial dyes is also something you should avoid to maintain the effects for longer.

Highly Pigmented Drinks

Teeth whitening is a wonderful and popular procedure for improving your smile and giving you more confidence in your appearance. Some certain beverages should be avoided though, as they can quickly reverse the results of your treatment by staining them. Highly pigmented drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, sports drinks, and cola should not be consumed after a bleaching treatment to maintain the best results. Additionally, darker juices like grape, blueberry, pomegranate, and cranberry can also lead to staining if consumed too soon after the procedure. It’s important to remember to avoid these types of drinks to maintain the best results from your teeth whitening treatment.

Foods and Drinks With High Acidity

It is very important to maintain the results of teeth whitening after an appointment. One way to do this is to reduce or eliminate food and beverages with a high acidity level. Citrus fruits, juices, and sodas especially should be limited or avoided, as the acidity levels can easily break down the enamel on your teeth and erode the newly finished results of your whitening procedure. So think about enjoying these treats at a different time other than immediately following your appointment. With careful planning and habits, you can enjoy a great smile for years ahead!

How Long Should These Foods and Drinks Be Avoided?

After a teeth whitening procedure, it is important to avoid highly pigmented and highly acidic foods and drinks for as long as possible. Not doing so can counter the effects of the treatment, resulting in a speedy return to your previous shade. Experts recommend that you should wait at least 24 hours after treatment before eating or drinking anything too brightly colored or acidic. This includes items such as coffee, dark juices, and alcoholic beverages. Such snacks should also be avoided for several weeks post-treatment for lasting results. Therefore, if you are considering a teeth whitening treatment, make sure you know how much time needs to be set aside from your favorite indulgences afterward!

In conclusion, it’s important to remember there are certain things one should avoid eating and drinking shortly after teeth whitening to maintain the results. Firstly, be sure to avoid any foods or drinks that have a lot of pigment, such as coffee, tea, and red wine. Additionally, look out for those with high acidity levels like citrus fruits and sodas. Lastly, don’t forget about staining offenders such as berries and soy sauce. Taking these extra steps can help you maintain your beautiful post-whitening smile. If you have any further questions on how to properly care for your teeth after getting them whitened by We Whiten, please contact us today! You’ll be glad you did.

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